Port Kennedy Football Club – AGM Notice
As per our governing constitution and the regulatory requirements of DMIRS, we are publicly advising members of our upcoming Annual General Meeting on Friday, 25th October at 7:00PM.
This will be held at Koorana Reserve Clubrooms and all members with voting rights are welcome. We are excited to discuss all things PKFC!!
Ordinary business as follows:
– Opening of meeting by club President
– Apologies
– Move to approve previous AGM minutes
– Presidents/ Annual report
– Treasurers / Financial report
– Move to approve the annual/ presidents report and financial report.
– Move to vote and accept committee members for 2025. (All positions for re-election)
Special business as follows:
Move to change sections of the constitution. These details will be provided no less than 21 days prior to the AGM as per our constitution.
To submit nominations for committee positions, this can be done by emailing secretary@pkfc.club or in a sealed envelope given in person to our club secretary.
As per our current constitution, all nominations including committee members wishing to hold their positions need to be received at least 7 days prior to the AGM.
If you wish to attend, please click “attending” in this event.
** Our current constitution can be found at here!